We've been having some pretty hot afternoons.
What best then but to go to the mountains?
The 10+ degree difference has been delightful
This day we took a 7-hour (from our campground round-trip) loop drive through the Gila National Forest.
We began the scenic part of the trip on Route 59 which is a grassland.
It's not long before we entered the Gila National Forest.
A side route went up to Lookout Mountain.
According to the sign it was 8 miles to the top.
At 7.5 miles we came to this gate.
With only a half mile to go, we left the jeep and headed up on foot.
And then we came to this.....
Of course I was wearing sandals and this was deep!
There was a narrow side trail a short way back....
Where there's a will,
there's a way.
Interesting, FS Route 226 was where we turned to come up here.
Eight miles by road and only 1.2 miles as the crow flies.
The fire tower at the top.
8878' elevation
I climbed the first two flights to get the photos above and below.
The third was closed at the top so
I had to quit here.
So near and yet so far.
Beautiful view from the top!
Returning through the tracks we made going up.
Those of you who have followed this blog for any length of time know about our continuing 2-year quest to see elk.
We have seen more signs for elk than I can count;
made numerous drives through elk habitat
have seen hundreds (literally) of piles of elk scat.
But nary an elk.
Finally, between 8 to 12 of them!
Naturally they wouldn't pose
come out where they could easily be photographed.
Lousy photos
it is proof that we saw them - finally!
We can go home relatively happy.
Many miles later we had this view
of the
Lookout Mountain Lookout.