The mammal guys have been here these past two weeks. One week they trapped mammals and one week they trapped invertebrates. Twice this week they came to the visitor center with their discoveries.
The common chuckwalla is our largest lizard. When feeling threatened they swallow air which distends the abdomen and wedge themselves in a crevice. Otherwise they are often found basking on rocks in the sun during the daytime hours. It was so neat to see this one up close and personal.
The gopher snake was discovered on the boardwalk to our Crystal Spring. This gal was docile but when upset they can hiss and shake their tails making a sound that sometimes is believed to be a rattlesnake. Cristi is one of our biologists.
No one was interested in handling this snake - a female Panamint Rattler. She was not happy and rattled loudly the entire time!