The title for this entry might better have been "Working hard or hardly working......."
I have no idea how many hours Vic has spent in the excavator this winter but suffice it to say many. He has made it his own personal piece of equipment. From breaking up and burying miles of old concrete drainage; removing tamarisk and my personal favorite, tumbleweeds; removing a large section of an old dam and more, he has kept busy.
This area, the New Valley Dam, is from the 1970s when agriculture was the name of the game here. Vic with the excavator, Tom with the dozer and Mark running the water truck to keep dust down opened up the area and did a really nice job. The area doesn't look huge in the photos but it did cover a few acres.

Last week there was excess (defective or....) property to destroy and load into a dumpster. This horse trailer was one of those and I was able to go out and photograph its demise from beginning to end - for a total of 88 photos. No, they are not all here, just a representation.This was an old trailer that had already been flattened. Does Vic look as though he is working hard? An air-conditioned cab with a good radio and he is a happy man.