Hardly a welcoming sky. This photo should have been taken another day.
Badwater in Death Valley is a necessary destination.

The sign high on the rocks behind Dan reads SEA LEVEL. Badwater is 282' below sea level. Without the sign it would be difficult to imagine 282 vertical feet.
"Do I have to get out in the rain?"

This location is referred to as Devil's Golf Course - a combination of salt crystals and dirt. On a sunny, warm day the crystals can sometimes be heard to crack as they grow. The Panamint Range can barely be seen in the distance.
The salt formations are taller where Dan is standing, nearly up to his knees, and the Panamints are now nearly invisible.
No sense in wasting the rest of the day even if the weather is miserable. Sidewinder Canyon is a recommended hike. Finding the first spring flowers made it all worthwhile. Neither of the Mohave Desert wildflower books that I have help me identify a few of these early finds.

Research will determine what these brown pom-pom-like things are on the creosote bush. They are on only a few bushes. They are also covered with flower buds.
An interesting window