We got off to a cloudy start this morning. "The Old Man of the Mountain" is in profile gazing skyward as we leave the refuge.
Devil's Cornfield is on the edge of sand dunes and on our route to Mosaic Canyon.

Explorer pointing the way......
Only a goat or an agile 17 year old .....
Goat boy made it to the top safely and back down the same route. It was important to see what was up there.
It's always nice when someone offers to take a photo of you together. We returned the favor.
The exit and view of the valley to the north.
The emcee introduces "alluvial fan". The clouds moved into the valley at noon.
The first spring flowers for 2009 - Desert Gold

Ubehebe Crater - depending on what one reads it is 500, 600 or 800 feet to the bottom.
and steep, steep trail to see "Little Hebe"