The first view of a few of the pinnacles for which the park is named.
The rocks were formed 35 million years ago when a large volcano erupted.
Erosion over those millions of years since have formed the pinnacles.
City of Rocks in the distance.
Many of the pinnacles are 40 ft tall - the height of a 4-story building!
Great place for a campfire.
The campsites and picnic areas are awesome.
Lanes or roads between the pinnacles complete the city.
The park is near the Mimbres River. The city was once home to the Mimbres Indians as it provided shelter from the elements.
Here are grinding holes, more proof that they were here.
In my estimation this is the best campsite in the place.
Imagine spending the night here.
At a rest stop on the way back to our campground we saw these bushes.
Vic calls them New Mexican topiaries.