Friday, December 23, 2011

Snow, snow and more snow!

What a day!
According to the folks who own this campground, this is the most snow they have had in the 14 years that they have been here.
We awakened to this beautiful scene.  Beautiful when observing through the windows but it was 24F, blowing at 26mph and gusting to 35mph.
Right behind the campground is a trail that begins in an arroyo and continues for miles and miles.
We felt the need to play and get pictures through a narrow area of double S curves in that arroyo.

Vic checks the propane while I take a few photos of the area around us.

The beginning of the arroyo.

The drifting begins.

The narrows (S curves)

A four foot drift...... now we are pushing snow that comes over the hood.
Time to turn around.
We then made a trip to town to see how much snow was there.  Supposedly they ALWAYS get more snow than here.  Not this time.

Coming back to the campground - the road gets pretty soupy when wet.

Jackrabbits in the Snow

We came to the southwest for this, our 13th winter, to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

Today, according to the news, the nation's worst weather is in the southern Rockies and Southern New Mexico.
I peeked out the blinds while it was still dark this morning to see if the forecast had come true.
It had.

It was snowing!
I could not wait for enough light to crawl out of bed and go outside to take photos of the snow on the cacti.
Well, it's 25F, blowing 26mph, gusting 35mph and is still snowing.
Photos can wait.
the jackrabbits posed nicely a few minutes ago.
So, from inside where it's nice and warm, here they are.

Hmmm, a good day for the local museum and library?
I think so.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hidden Valley Ranch Petroglyphs

The first few months of this winter we are spending at Hidden Valley Ranch RV Park nearly 10 miles outside of Deming, NM.
Right outside the entry gate is a short hiking path to ancient petroglyphs.

And, back at the campground

our little buddy.

Signal Peak

Nearly seven years ago, when we were winter volunteers at the Gila Cliff Dwellings, we made an assault on Signal Peak with the pickup truck.  It turned into a long day and a longer night and another long day.

The peak is at 8980 feet in elevation.  We ran into snow part way up but nothing too treacherous.  Well, there were a few icy patches and the switchbacks were interesting.  The worst part was where there was new snow over the old.  Icy ruts from previous vehicles were under the fresh snow.  All of you who know Vic know he is intrepid and isn't going to let a little ice and snow stop him.
Finally, within a quarter of a mile of the top, we became stuck in those icy ruts at exactly noon. 
Vic tried everything all afternoon.  All was in vain and it was soon too dark to safely keep working.  We ate dinner - a piece of jerky, a few raisins and water from the snow I packed into our cooler and melted near the heater.
And, did I forget to mention, there I was in penny loafers and knee-hi's?
You see, we were headed to Silver city for groceries, not to Signal Peak.  That was spur-of-the-moment inspiration.
Fortunately our winter gear, including my leather dress boots, were in a box in the rear of the truck.
In the morning, after two more tries, we headed down to the paved road on foot.  We arrived in early afternoon - 7 miles later.  I flagged down two young fellows who were more than happy to drive back toward town (where there was cell service) and call a tow truck for us.
Loooooo-ong story shorter is when the tow truck operator got to the final place to turn around before reaching our truck, Vic suggested he might want to back in the rest of the way.  Being young and macho and not needing advice........guess I don't need to tell you that he didn't back up.
He immediately pulled our truck back about 2-3 feet and we were free.

He then proceeded to back up and found that he was stuck.  The trail was too narrow to get around him soooooo-o, as dusk descended we started to get ready to spend night #2.

Apparently after we got stuck a car went off the trail at lower elevation.  That man walked out also and called another towing company.  After getting his vehicle out, they came up to find out what was happening.

They were able to remove the stuck tow truck.  We backed up to the turn around and were finally back on the road for groceries at 8pm - a very long 32 hours.
All this leads up to yesterday when we decided to try again.  This time we used the Jeep and carried five gallons of water, lunch, a small cook stove with freeze-dried meals, and other assorted survival gear.  This time we were ready.
This time we had snow right from the git-go.
This time it got deeper sooner and there were had icy ruts underneath for the entire distance.
When we reached the 'y' in the road, the only tracks to Signal Peak were made by

We first chose the other route to see where it went.

After over 8 miles on what was Bear Canyon Road, we reached private property and this gate and sign.
I love the small bear warning sticker glued to the larger sign.
Double click on the photo to read it.
We were at something over 8100' elevation.

By the time we descended to the 'y', the temperature had warmed to about 50F and the snow was quite snotty.  We chose to leave Signal Peak itself for another time.
It was a good and much shorter day lasting 4-5 hours.

On the return drive the dry, winter grasses appeared golden in the low late afternoon light.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jeeping Day #1

The past 24 hours have brought some unusual desert weather.
We have had 0.76" of rain. 
Last week they had a blizzard that closed three interstate highways
and produced several inches of snow.
All this in an area that sees, on average, less than 2" of precipitation all winter.

Our campground is at nearly 4900' elevation.
This winter may not be so warm as those past.
No matter,
we plan to enjoy exploring.

China Wash is right behind our campground and the beginning of our route today.
We both spotted this unusual 'thing' and had to check it out. 
It looked like a kind of crystalline growth.
It turns out not to be crystals at all.
Water ran down the slope behind and splashed here creating bubbles.
The sand is fine and light enough that grains were lifted and became part of the bubbles.
When the water subsided these amazing structures remained.

More rain followed by........
 this wonderful rainbow. 

This is surely one of the most bizarre rocks I've ever seen.  There was an abundance of them in this one area.  This was by far the largest.
Someone(s) dug this big hole in hopes of finding an ore worth mining.
Apparently at this point they abandoned it.
A lot of work.

Vic has the binocular trained on our campground -
the cluster of white spots in the background are the RVs.

The view from our front window late this afternoon.
I ran outside to get this one last photo for the day.