While we were setting up camp this cute little critter was busily occupied right next to the RV without the slightest concern for our activities.
A heart attack in styrofoam! The gal who collected our money at our campground in Illinois told us of a regional meal we decided we had to try. The regular size meal is called a horseshoe while the lo-calorie (?) size is a ponyshoe. It begins with a slice of bread which is covered with a hamburger (2 on the horseshoe) then a pile of french fries. Then nacho cheese is ladled over the whole thing. There are variations. Vic's horseshoe is on the right and my chili ponyshoe is on the left. I have one burger with fries then a ladle of chili under the nacho cheese. It can also have ham , fried chicken or another choice or two.
Apparently this is a big thing in central IL and is virtually unknown in the southern and northern portions of the state. Good thing we don't live there. It was quite good - probably a good thing for health's sake to eat only once in a lifetime.
Our final night on the road was spent in southwestern PA where the white dogwoods were in full bloom!
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