Next weekend, Easter weekend, is the last one here but there will be no time for fun and games. We'll be busy preparing to hit the road - battening down the hatches, so to speak. These photos were taken the past few days and are shown here in random order. Saturday we ran 93 miles of the main road in Death Valley. Partly this was to see wildflowers. It was also one last chance to see the valley that we have come to love - a final time to engrave uncountable wonderful memories into our souls......
Now a ruin, the Ashford Brothers built this mill at the south end of the valley in 1914 to process gold ore for shipment to a smelter.
Lavender flowers are Sand Verbena. The yellow flowers are hairy desert sunflower also known as Desert Gold - certainly a prettier and more romantic name.
Joshua tree bud ready to pop - again in the Spring Mountains.