Vic worked hard and we put in many trips to this area planning and plotting the route for this Jeep run. There are a myriad of 'roads' crisscrossing this old mining area. There are still active claims and at least one active mining operation. Based on vegetative growth, at least one of these roads has not been used in 40+ years. Our goal for the day was to take folks on a scenic round-about route to the top of a mesa with wonderful views.
We were stunned when 15 Jeeps showed up. Counting us, there were 30 people. Mike, our secretary/treasurer said this was the largest turnout so far. A few folks told us that Vic has a reputation for leading really interesting runs. This
day was not to be an exception.
One member lost his 4-wheel drive before we got into the interesting terrain.We all held up while he made a quick repair and the second half of the group caught up.
Follow the leader.....
and more follow the leader........
Madonna, waving, was our volunteer camp cook this day. She called around to tell all that she would be providing BBQ beef, potato and macaroni salads. Half way up the mesa where there was parking for everyone, we circled the wagons and had a wonderful meal. The food was great (nice job, Madonna - thanks!) and the views incomparable. We could see forever.....and guess who didn't take one picture of those views?
Parking and turning around space on the mesa top was limited so Vic led two tours to the top. Here Judy enjoys the unlimited view. A perfect day - not too warm nor was it too cool and absolutely no wind at all!
Parking at the top
Back down, with the 4x4 roads behind us for the day. Just pretty colors, contrasts and views now.
The cemetery in Death Valley Junction was the last stop. Here is where we aired up our tires before heading home on the highway.
The Junction (in the distance), where we met to begin our day's journey and where it ended.