Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Special Week Has Ended.....Or How Blessed Are We? July 11, 2009

We have just had the most special week. Joe, a grandson from Texas, left today to return to Houston. We extended an invitation to come up and he instantly accepted. He is 23, a fulltime college student and has a fulltime job. With only two weeks paid vacation annually we feel pretty blessed that he wanted to come up and spend a week with us. Added to that Dan wanted to come over on his days off from his summer job.
Joe enjoyed woodworking in high school and I put in a request for a pergola if he was feeling up to the challenge. Dan enjoyed woodshop also but unfortunately could not stay (job interferred with all the fun) to see the construction phase. Grandpa had to fill his shoes.
Boys talking shop???
Measuring....... Cutting...... Finished product ready to go into place!!! All this work for a hops vine I've wanted for over 30 years. Thanks, boys and grandpa (other boy)! And thank you, Monica, for the vine! I can't wait to do the ground prep, plant the vine and other things, hang a basket and goes on and on. And what a wonderful reminder of special time with special grandsons.
Monica rode over on her bike to visit with Joe yesterday. He took it for a spin - twice!
This is how two happy grandparents look!