Today's run would take us into Warm Springs Canyon, over Mengel Pass, to Barker Ranch, through Goler Wash and beyond to the ghost town of Ballarat. This particular run is one that off-road enthusiasts put high on their lists.
The first stop of the day was at the site of the Warm Springs mine camp. The Paiutes were the first to camp here followed years later by prospectors. Of the women who searched for minerals, Louise Grantham was, by far, the most successful. In 1931 she and another person staked many claims in Warm Springs Canyon. The more comfortable living to be had here was mostly due to Louise and her feminine wish for comfort. Tamarisk trees were imported and planted. Warm spring waters fed the swimming pool. By the 1970s the camp was loaded with mobile homes used by the talc miners.

Our lunch stop was planned for the Geology Cabin with a view of Striped Butte. What a beautiful setting! The flag flying is a sign that a ranger or hikers are in residence. This day it was hikers from WA, one of whom came to visit with us. The young gentleman, with his family, is a frequent visitor. He said it was the first time they had seen so many vehicles visit at one time. He had to come and chat and learn what we were all about.
Driving up Mengel Pass was a test of the vehicles. Those better equipped had no problems at all; slow and easy won the game. A few lesser equipped vehicles worked a bit harder but, in the end, we all made it through unscathed. Goler Wash was to be the real challenge. We had been advised that if there was any serious trouble scaling Mengal Pass, turn back and do NOT attempt Goler Wash.

A few more of the interesting areas navigated.....

A stop was made at the Barker Ranch of Charles Manson notoriety. Not one of us had any good feelings about the place and I did not feel the desire to take photos.
During the course of the day an unusually high number of vehicles had failures of one kind or another. Upon arriving at Goler Wash, one of the high points of the day, we were running late and were short on daylight. There was no time for photo op stops. Suffice it to say that it was spectacular and we hope to go back in March, when the days are longer. And surprisingly, the wash had apparently been cleared of difficulties. We all sailed through as we wondered around which curve we would encounter difficulty.