Yesterday I started a job I've been putting off forever - knowing that it would be
hugely labor intensive.
And it is!
I'm stripping wallpaper in our bedroom. The bright idea struck that, as it is post and beam construction, I could do one wall at a time and NOT tackle the whole room at
one time.
Strip a wall, paint, strip a wall, paint.....
The entire room doesn't have to be torn down all at once.
Great idea actually!
Well, first comes off the layer than I put on some 30 years ago. That stripped off
in seconds. then there are the next two layers. Some of that came off without too much hardship. The interesting part is that the fourth and final layer was finally exposed in small patches late in the day yesterday.
I have to back up and make this a long story.
For those of you who don't know, our home was built in 1827.
there was a fire in the attic in the winter of 1945. The fire was followed by a great deal of
remodeling and redecorating.
This was also a time when patriotism was extremely high.
Thus the final layer of wallpaper has American eagles, flags, battleships, the Statue of Liberty, a transport plane
A JEEP pulling a field piece !!!!
To think that for the past 32 years we have been sleeping
surrounded by Jeeps!
I'm surprised
Vic hasn't asked me to preserve this final layer.